Women empowerment: new life in new country

"Women empowerment: new life in new country" is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project (2020-2022) of four partners' organisations from Norway, Estonia, France and Italy who work with women migrants and refugees.

Partners would like to collect good practices and create E-Brochure for newcomers and, first of all, women and women with children. This project has focus on women empowerment and because of that is relevant to Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023.

"Women’s empowerment is essential preconditions for effective gender equality and for equitable and sustainable societies... the new strategy recognises the challenge of ensuring protection for all categories of women, including women from disadvantaged groups such as Roma women, women with disabilities, and migrant and refugee women"

The main target group of this project will be leaders of partners organisations who need to develop and improve own competences as adult educators and learn how to empower own learners. Final beneficiaries are adults - young and seniors, particularly women and women with children with migrant or refugee background. Specific target group is divorced women who were marriage with local men.

The objectives of the project are:

* to share good practices among project partners about work with main target groups,
* to increase professional development of adult leaders of partners' organisations/educators,
* to collect and develop materials for project E-Brochure,
* to develop and reinforce European networks for teaching and learning,
* to enrich the network of adult education providers in Europe.

Partners will share information about different challenges in project partners' countries and different tools to overcome them. They are interested to use already existing and also new methods during the project: round tables, workshops, training, peer learning, mentorship, etc.

Partners plan to use different methods for collecting good practices: research of laws, official documents, publications, social media, interviews, etc. Video and storytelling process also will be used as attractive and efficient methods in adult education.

There will be three transnational meetings during the project in Bergen, Tallinn and Milan and one short-term joint staff training event in Vanves, France, also local and dissemination activities.

The main result of this project will be the development and improvement of competences and the creation of E-Brochure for adult educators and learners - newcomers to European countries. E- brochure will include good practices from project partners' and other countries and also provide legal advisory, psychological support for compatriots for their successful integration in countries of residence. As Brochure is electronic product, it will be possible to create few different versions - for European and national dissemination. It will be possible to add new materials created by project partners, other adult education providers and different stakeholders even after project end.

The expected impact will concern participants and organisations directly involved in the project implementation. They will gain new competences, will be influenced by successful activities and encourage other people to take initiative and to think about gender equality, women empowerment and about their personal development.

This document has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.