Legends and fairy tales in the intergenerational education

“Legends and fairy tales in the intergenerational education” (2022-1-NL01-KA210-ADU 000080750) Erasmus+ project has focus on legends and fairy tales as a base for storytelling which educators will learn and implement with learners in different age. Project aims to develop skills and competences of adult educators who will transfer them to the final beneficiaries – adult learners. This project will support adult educators with an innovative mentoring methodology for fostering the creativity of adult learners.

The project objectives are:

*to improve competences of adult educators,
*to share good practices among project partners,
*to collect methods and materials for E-Book,
*to equip adult learners with new competences,
*to enrich the network of adult education providers,
*to support the social and educational value of the cultural heritage.

The main target groups will be:

1) Staff members and educators.
2) Learners in different ages who will present and share their cultures and traditions.
3) Associated partners and other stakeholders for local and dissemination activities.
4) Social media and websites users.

Educators will learn also about the digital tools, communication and public speech for storytelling. These competences are very important in post-pandemic time when people have to communicate very often online. Partners plan to use also video in storytelling. Legends and fairy tales can be told verbally but they often have more impact if combined with visual methods. Online platforms such as Facebook and YouTube will be used. They have emerged as modern-day storytelling vehicles that highlight the potency of combining verbal and visual methods.

Albert Einstein wrote: “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” Educators should become creative themselves if they want to instil creativity in their students, learners, and fellow educators. Project will focus on the development of skills and inclusion of seniors in active aging activities through creativity and culture. Young generation will support seniors with digital tools. After developing and improving own competences, educators will involve seniors in education and training. Together with educators they will learn legends and fairy tales which they know in their childhood. Focus will be on city legends. Seniors will learn how to tell fairy tales using digital tools and online equipment. By this, grandparents will have competences to express themselves in efficient way and become more attractive for grandchildren.

Partners will collect good practices and methods in storytelling, test them and include in the project E-Book with the aim to use in training. E-Book will be shared with other stakeholders, first of all adult educators, and disseminate also for wide audience. By this project will support the social and educational value of the cultural heritage. Partners will share information about different challenges in project partners' countries and different tools to overcome them using creativity. The role of storytelling in formal, non-formal and informal education is relevant to pursuing learning-by-doing methods, reinventing ourselves not only as a person, but also as a group. Partners plan to create strong partnership and work as one group with common aims and approaches.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086257050651

This project has been founded with support from the European Commission by Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.