"Ethno-design in fashion - exchange of good practices in vocational training"

It is Erasmus+ Programme strategic partnership project of eight partners' organisations from Poland, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Italy, France and Portugal.

The primary goal is to develop and reinforce networks, increase capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront our ideas, practices and methods. It is designed to share experiences and best practices in vocational training and to create innovative methods through training courses and work on project results based on European cooperation, creation and production innovative products in fashion design.

Target groups will be staff members and learners from partners' organisations (unemployed at any age, women 50+, low-educated people, VET students, migrants, national minorities).

The specific objectives are:

1) to develop the various ethnographic elements of traditional dresses, fashion accessories, handbags of each European culture and transfer to modern clothes;

2) to learn traditional folk ornaments techniques in own and other European countries;

3) to learn new types of ornaments, new techniques, materials, methods and skills from partners;

4) to create own samples of modern clothes, jewellery, handbags with folk motives using personal and experts' competences and share them with partners;

5) to develop strategic partnership and intercultural dialogue between project partners;

6) to support professional education for staff members and learners from partners' organisations;

7) to strengthen dignity of own culture and European cultures, the dignity to be European citizen;

8) to motivate learners and staff members to learn foreign languages and improve ICT skills.

By the end of the project participants will have skills and practical experience in order to make modern clothes with folk motives as a means of self-expression for galleries and shops; they will improve ICT skills and communication skills in English language; they will become more aware about own national culture and other European cultures. Partners will establish contacts with work world to help learners to find jobs or start to cooperate with locals galleries and workshops as entrepreneurs.


There will be trainings for staff, workshops, theoretical seminars about ethno-design and about intercultural dialogue locally for learners. There will be two short-term jont staff training courses (in Greece and Spain ) for staff members and 4 international project meetings (in Poland, France, Italy and Portugal) during the project.

Partners will organise dissemination activities on local level to make project's impact more sustainable. Partners will apply the best methods in fashion design training and in non-formal education in own countries and in Europe. The main methods will be learning by doing, learning together, with each other and by each other. Apart magagemetn issues, to 4 project meetings will be added workshops in ethno-design in fashion to achive project golas and exchange good practice.

The main results will be pedagogical and methodical learning materials in E-Brochure and materials for dissemination in own and other organisations, in local communities, on the national, European and international levels. There will be also Power-Point Presentations, photo-exhibitions and videos about activities and best practices from every partner organisation.

Project Facebook page:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.